Are there conformal coatings that will enable our company to meet the new VOC requirements?

Yes! Several companies offer a full range of environmentally friendly conformal coatings. These coatings have been specially formulated to work reliability while addressing today’s more stringent environmental regulations. However, there are process issues with using these new coatings. Therefore it is wise to consider the type of coating and the equipment process you have or are considering.

Contact SCH directly about Conformal Coating New Product Introduction and ensure you make the right choice on your material and process.

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About Dr Lee Hitchens

Dr Hitchens has been working in the electronics industry and the area of conformal coatings for over 25 years in various areas including sales and technical support. He has also been training people for almost the same amount of time in all areas of conformal coating whether that is materials & equipment selection, process development or troubleshooting to help them solve their particular problem. Recently, he decided that the industry needed a specific place where all of the useful knowledge on conformal coatings could be collated for users to find easily and use in their own production process. So, Nexus was born and he began the Nexus eBook project.

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